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Our Doctors

Doug Kyle, DC, DABCO
Doug is a board certified chiropractic orthopedist who has been in practice for more than 36 years. He is also certified in Active Release Technique (ART), Graston and Trigenics…

Sharon Reynolds-Kyle, DC
Motivated by a desire to help people gain control over their health and promote self-sufficiency Dr. Kyle enrolled in Chiropractic College, where she met her husband and colleague, Doug Kyle, and has been practicing for more than 35 years…
Shockwave Therapy and EMTT
Non-invasive and Painless Therapy in Marin
We are proud to provide Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) to Marin County. Shockwave Therapy allows us to treat neuromuscular disorders and injuries by stimulating the body’s natural, self-healing process. This and its non-invasive natural process make Shockwave Therapy comfortable and easier for the patient.
Is it right for You?
This therapy is the ideal treatment for plantar fasciitis, adhesive capsulitis, medial & lateral epicondylitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and patellar tendonitis and various arthritic joint problems. Research studies have shown a high success rate for all of these conditions. It is also great for chronic muscular pain relief.
Active Release Techniques
Shockwave Therapy
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitative Treatment
Spine Care
This is Why We Wanted to be Doctors
Radial shockwave therapy does the deepest and most healing work I’ve ever experienced, short of far more invasive and painful therapies. It helped heal chronic and painful muscular-skeletal conditions that I had lived with for many months. It’s a truly amazing therapy, one that I will use whenever necessary.
– Jamie
I had chronic neck pain and tried cortisone injections, chiropractic adjustments, massage, special pillows, and nothing gave me the relief and healing of ART with Dr. Doug Kyle. His healing attitude and practical suggestions have relieved this long-time neck pain. He has a talent and expertise I can highly recommend to anyone.
– Carrie, 66
I had been in excruciating pain, almost unable to walk, and Dr. Doug helped me to relieve my pain. I get relief after every visit. It is amazing how Doug knows exactly where it hurts and is able to break up the scar tissue to relieve my tightness and pain. Thank you!
– Kelli, 43