Conditions We Treat & Relevant Articles

Pain and injury have a number of causes. Marin Spine & Sports
Treats them all.

Most of us face pain and/or injury at some part in our lives. While the
location on the body and the details of the condition vary, the reasons
behind pain can generally be broken down into the following categories:

Acute Trauma
Repetitive Stress or Cumulative Trauma 
Other conditions

Of course, every individual’s condition is unique and complex, and
we take that into account as we evaluate our patients. We hope that
by providing you with some basic information, you may be better informed
about your own health.

Acute Trauma

With acute trauma injuries, pain usually occurs suddenly. These injuries


A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Symptoms vary
according to degree. Minor strains causing mild to moderate swelling,
bruising and pain. Severe strains partially or completely tear
the ligament. A pop or snap can be felt or heard at the time of
injury, and this is followed by moderate to severe pain and swelling,
restricted movement and bruising.


A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon. Like
sprains, the symptoms vary according to severity and include: pain
and tenderness made worse with movement, swelling and bruising,
normal or limited movement.


Fractures are broken bones and generally require emergency
medical treatment. Symptoms include: out-of-place or misshapen
limb or joint, swelling, bruising, sever pain, numbness, tingling,
and limited mobility or inability to move a limb.

Nerve Compression

Nerves can be compressed or pinched with sudden acute
trauma such as a fall or a car accident. This results in numbness or
tingling, weakness and skin that is pale and/or cold.


Repetitive Stress and Cumulative Trauma

Over the last decade, the incidence of Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI),
also known as Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD), has increased dramatically.
These injuries often cause people severe and ongoing pain and loss of
function because of many doctors’ uncertainty about treatment.
Fortunately, we have found our modern techniques and interdisciplinary
approach to be quite successful in getting to the root of and subsequently
curing these types of injuries.

What happens

Soft tissue structures (ligaments, tendons, muscles)
in the body change or adapt as a result of trauma, pressure or
overuse. Repetitive stress on any area of the body can, over time,
begin to manifest itself with tightness and pain. As progressive
damage occurs, the body will attempt to repair the damage with
scar tissue. Accumulation of scar tissue, left untreated, can then
cause progressive loss of function and increased pain as well as
loss of flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Until the cycle
is broken, the symptoms may worsen. People often mistakenly attribute
these losses to age, but by breaking this pain cycle, their symptoms
can be completely eliminated.

Work and Habit Related

Cumulative Trauma Disorders have become commonplace
at work, often attributed to poor posture at the desk or repeated
motions like typing and mouse usage. Habits like these are difficult
to break and exacerbate the irritated area.

Sports Related

Sports Related Injuries that occur from repetitive motion
and/or stress are referred to as overuse injuries. These injuries
occur from repeated activity, such as running or cycling, that
stresses joints and surrounding tissues.


Symptoms vary depending on the part of the body but
may include: tingling, burning, aching, tightness, weakness, decreased
range of motion and/or swelling.

Repetitive Stress Injuries by Body Part

Some common examples of Repetitive Stress Injuries by
body part:

  • Wrist/Hand: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Elbow: Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow
  • Foot: Plantar Fascitis
  • Knee: Bursitis, Tendonitis
  • Treatment

Dr. Kyle has found that by using Active Release Technique, complemented
by his 17 years of experience in Chiropractic medicine, he is able to
offer highly effective treatment for conditions thought to be chronic.

Treatment programs generally range from five to ten visits and, if necessary,
are followed by instruction in preventative exercise and stretch techniques
to help counteract recurrence. Patients marvel at how prompt, effective
and enduring the results of this treatment are.


Illness and Other Conditions

  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Bursitis (bursiris is inflammation of a bursa. The major bursae are located adjacent to the tendons near the large joints such as the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.)
  • Frozen Shoulders
  • Golfers Elbow
  • Hamstring Disorders
  • Hip Bursitis/ Tendinosis
  • Knee conditions
  • Low Back Pain
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Neck pain
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease
  • Painful Trigger Points (acute and chronic painful neck, back, shoulder, etc. due to chronically shortened and thickened muscle tissue)
  • Patellar Tendonitis (jumpers Knee)
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Sesamoiditis
  • Stress Factures
  • Stress Reactions
  • Tendonitis of: Peroneal tendons, Tibialis Posterior
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Various chronic enthesiopathies (painful irritation of the tendon attachments due to overexertion and improper strain, or due to a degenerative process)

Some conditions are due to illness or conditions associated with age.
Examples include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, but there
are many conditions that manifest themselves as pain. A complete evaluation and proper diagnosis is critical to finding an appropriate treatment plan. We take great care in getting to the root of the problem so that we can help you live a healthier, happier life.